Tag Archives: mirror

Not crafty… or am I?

I have always thought of myself as the antithesis of crafty. Honestly, I have always been adamant that I can’t make anything with my hands, and for most of my life, that has held true. Until now. You see, I am living in this really sweet little home but all of my furniture/decor is still bacheloresque. Yes, I admit that I am still living like a bachelor even though I have been married for 10 years and have 2 children.

Eric is crafty. The things he can do might as well have been magic for all that I understood or felt like I could do them. But, my secret little heart always wanted in on the fun. A friend has a wonderful blog of her crafting (http://www.alwaysinwonder.com/) and it really inspired me. I wanted to do that! And I’m cheap. Crafting is awesome when you’re cheap. So, I have a number of projects lined up. The first is a mirror that I bought at a garage sale for $3.  Here are some before pictures:

This is the mirror as I bought it.

This was what we found after we took off the back. Someone had stuffed the back with cardboard to deal with warping that had happened to the back mount. Eric cut out some foam core that we had laying around to correct it instead.

Here’s the frame all painted. I used Krylon spray paint and it went on really nicely. It was the first time I have ever spray painted anything and I was so nervous to start! I sat in my cold garage, in the middle of the night, holding this can of spray paint and being completely terrified of using it. I know that’s lame, but it’s true. Once I got over that initial fear though, I found out that I like painting shit. Note the coat hanger that got used as a tester. I might have gotten a little spray happy.

Now comes the tricky part. I had decided to antique the frame to make all of the detailing ‘pop’, as they say. I undertook this part of the project last night. Yeah, I had a little mini meltdown in the middle of it that involved me throwing my rag and declaring the frame crap. Eric convinced me to keep going though, which is good because it would have sucked to have a half finished frame. So, here’s what it looks like after the antiquing process.

This is what it looks like close up.

I’m happy with how it turned out. And I’m excited for my next project. I’m going to be refinishing this dresser and doing the same antiquing technique on it.